Source code for shyft.dashboard.widgets.water_route_widget

import logging

from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any

import numpy as np

from bokeh.layouts import row, column
from bokeh.models import (ColumnDataSource, LayoutDOM, Range1d, TapTool, HoverTool, Slider, Div)
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh import __version__ as bokeh_version

from shyft.dashboard.base import constants
from shyft.dashboard.base.ports import (States, StatePorts, Receiver)
from import LayoutComponents, Widget
from shyft.dashboard.widgets.zoomables import LabelSetZoomable, CheckboxGroupZoomable
from shyft.util.layoutgraph import WaterRouteGraph

[docs] class WaterRouteWidget(Widget): """ Simple water route graph app with a single port to receive a list of hydro power system objects to visualize the graph based on the internal topology of the hydro power systems. """
[docs] def __init__(self, water_route_graph: WaterRouteGraph, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, widget_width: int = 300, widget_height: int = 70, height: int = 1024, aspect_factor: float = 1.4, auto_reload: bool = True) -> None: super(WaterRouteWidget, self).__init__(logger) self.auto_reload: bool = auto_reload padding = padding or constants.widget_padding sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode if not logger: logger = logging.getLogger('WaterGraphFigure') self.logger = logger # 1. initialize figure aspect ration self.aspect_factor = aspect_factor self.figure_width = int(height * self.aspect_factor) self.figure_height = height if bokeh_version < '3.0.0': self.fig = figure(plot_width=int(self.figure_width), plot_height=int(self.figure_height), x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, toolbar_location=None, tools=['pan']) else: self.fig = figure(width=int(self.figure_width), height=int(self.figure_height), x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, toolbar_location=None, tools=['pan']) self.fig.grid.grid_line_color = None # 2. water route graph self.water_route_graph = water_route_graph self.receive_selected_water_route = Receiver(parent=self, name='receive selected water route', func=self._receive_selected_water_route, signal_type=Any) # 3. set up zoom ranges and initial _state self.view_ranges = [4000, 2000, 1000, 750, 500] # range of the view in y direction self.zoom_state_init = 2 self.fig.x_range = Range1d(0, self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init] * self.aspect_factor) self.fig.y_range = Range1d(0, self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init]) # 4. define data sources # 4.1 water routes self.ds_main_water = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y']}) self.ds_bypass = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y']}) self.ds_spillage = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y']}) # 4.2 reservoir and power stations # 4.2.1 shadows self.shadow_offset = 2 self.ds_shadows_reservoirs = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['xs', 'ys']}) self.ds_shadow_power_stations = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['xs', 'ys']}) # 4.2.2 mad self.ds_reservoirs = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['xs', 'ys']}) self.reservoirs_data_dict = {} self.reservoirs_numerical_data = {} self.ds_power_stations = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['xs', 'ys']}) self.power_station_data_dict = {} # 4.2.3 oceans self.ds_oceans = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y']}) self.ds_oceans_spillage = ColumnDataSource( {k: [] for k in ['sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y']}) self.ds_oceans_bypass = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in ['sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y']}) # 4.3 text self.ds_names = ColumnDataSource(data={key: [] for key in ['x', 'y', 'texts']}) self.ds_info_text = ColumnDataSource(data={key: [] for key in ['x', 'y', 'texts']}) self.font_sizes_info = ['0pt', '6pt', '9pt', '11.8pt', '13.4pt'] # not visible if font_size == 0 # 5. graph glyphs # 5.1 water routes self.bezier_main = self.fig.bezier('sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y', source=self.ds_main_water, color='#282370', line_dash='solid', line_width=2, visible=True) self.bezier_bypass = self.fig.bezier('sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y', source=self.ds_bypass, color='#235170', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2, visible=False) self.bezier_spillage = self.fig.bezier('sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y', source=self.ds_spillage, color='#237067', line_dash='dotted', line_width=2, visible=False) # 5.2 reservoir and power stations self.fig.patches('xs', 'ys', source=self.ds_shadows_reservoirs, alpha=1.0, line_width=2, color='black') self.fig.patches('xs', 'ys', source=self.ds_shadow_power_stations, alpha=1, line_width=2, color='black') self.patches_reservoirs = self.fig.patches('xs', 'ys', source=self.ds_reservoirs, alpha=1.0, color='#dae8e3', hover_line_color="#ce7f00", hover_fill_color='#dae8e3', # set visual properties for selected glyphs selection_line_color="#bc3b00", selection_fill_color='#76bec1', selection_fill_alpha=1.0, # set visual properties for non-selected glyphs nonselection_alpha=1.0, nonselection_color='#dae8e3', nonselection_line_color='#dae8e3', # nonselection_line_alpha=0.4 ) self.patches_powers_stations = self.fig.patches('xs', 'ys', source=self.ds_power_stations, alpha=1.0, color='#e8d992', hover_line_color="#ce7f00", hover_fill_color='#e8d992', # set visual properties for selected glyphs selection_line_color="#bc3b00", selection_fill_color='#d1a23c', selection_fill_alpha=1.0, # set visual properties for non-selected glyphs nonselection_alpha=1.0, nonselection_color='#e8d992', nonselection_line_color='#e8d992', # nonselection_line_alpha=0.4 ) # 5.3 oceans self.bezier_oceans = self.fig.bezier('sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y', source=self.ds_oceans, line_color='#5896b5', line_dash='solid', line_width=2, visible=True) self.bezier_oceans_bypass = self.fig.bezier('sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y', source=self.ds_oceans_bypass, line_color='#5896b5', line_dash='solid', line_width=2, visible=True) self.bezier_oceans_spillage = self.fig.bezier('sx', 'sy', 'ex', 'ey', 'c1x', 'c1y', 'c2x', 'c2y', source=self.ds_oceans_spillage, line_color='#5896b5', line_dash='solid', line_width=2, visible=True) # 5.4 text self.text_names = LabelSetZoomable(dict(x='x', x_units='data', y='y', y_units='data', text='texts', source=self.ds_names, text_color='black'), ['0pt', '6pt', '9pt', '11.8pt', '13.4pt'], # 6 self.zoom_state_init) self.text_names.set_update_callback(self._update_name_text) self.fig.add_layout(self.text_names.glyph) self.text_info = LabelSetZoomable(dict(x='x', x_units='data', y='y', y_units='data', text='texts', source=self.ds_info_text, text_color='black'), ['0pt', '0pt', '9pt', '11.8pt', '13.4pt'], self.zoom_state_init) self.text_info.set_update_callback(self._update_info_text) self.fig.add_layout(self.text_info.glyph) # 6. widget definitions self.checkbox_water_way_visibility = CheckboxGroupZoomable(dict(labels=["Bypass", "Spillage"], active=[], inline=True, width=140, height=widget_height, margin=(5 + 40, 5 + padding, 5, 5)), [False, False, True, True, True], self.zoom_state_init, self._change_glyph_visibility) # callback for zoom self.zoom_state = self.zoom_state_init self.zoom_state_old = self.zoom_state_init self.zoom_objects = [self.text_info, self.text_names, self.checkbox_water_way_visibility] if bokeh_version < '3.0.0': self.zoom_slider = Slider(start=0, end=len(self.view_ranges) - 1, value=self.zoom_state_init, step=1, title="Zoom", default_size=widget_width, width=widget_width, height=widget_height ) else: self.zoom_slider = Slider(start=0, end=len(self.view_ranges) - 1, value=self.zoom_state_init, step=1, title="Zoom", width=widget_width, height=widget_height ) self.zoom_slider.on_change('value', self._updated_zoom) # 7. Tools # Tap tool tap_tool = TapTool(renderers=[self.patches_reservoirs, self.patches_powers_stations]) self.fig.add_tools(tap_tool) # # Hover tools self.hover_reservoir = HoverTool() self.hover_reservoir.tooltips = [("Type", "@type"), ("Name", "@name"), ("Id", "@id")] self.hover_reservoir.renderers = [self.patches_reservoirs] self.fig.add_tools(self.hover_reservoir) self.hover_power_stations = HoverTool() self.hover_power_stations.tooltips = [("Type", "@type"), ("Name", "@name"), ("Id", "@id")] self.hover_power_stations.renderers = [self.patches_powers_stations] self.fig.add_tools(self.hover_power_stations) # x. layout self.widgets = [self.checkbox_water_way_visibility.checkbox, self.zoom_slider] widgets = row(self.checkbox_water_way_visibility.layout, column(Div(height=constants.text_height), self.zoom_slider), width=self.figure_width, height=widget_height + padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) self._layout = column(widgets, self.fig, width=self.figure_width + padding, height=self.figure_height + widget_height, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) # register ports self.state_port = StatePorts(parent=self, _receive_state=self._receive_state) self.state = States.ACTIVE
@property def layout(self) -> LayoutDOM: return self._layout @property def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: return {'widgets': self.widgets, 'figures': [self.fig]} def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: if state == self.state: return if state == States.ACTIVE: self.state = state # Not sending active state since this only done if we can send data to the next widget elif state == States.DEACTIVE: self.state = state self._change_figure_visibility(visible=False) self.state_port.send_state(state) else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self} - not handel for received state {state} implemented") self.state_port.send_state(state) def _receive_selected_water_route(self, water_route: Any) -> None: self._generate_graph(water_route[0]) def _generate_graph(self, water_route: Any) -> None: self.water_route_graph.__init__() self.water_route_graph.generate_graph(water_route) self._update_graph() def _change_glyph_visibility(self, attrm, old, new): self.bezier_bypass.visible = 0 in new self.bezier_oceans_bypass.visible = 0 in new self.bezier_spillage.visible = 1 in new self.bezier_oceans_spillage.visible = 1 in new def _updated_zoom(self, attrm, old, new): if new != self.zoom_state: self.zoom_state_old = self.zoom_state self.zoom_state = int(new) range_diff = (self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_old] - self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state]) * 0.5 self.fig.x_range.start += range_diff * self.aspect_factor self.fig.x_range.end -= range_diff * self.aspect_factor self.fig.y_range.start += range_diff self.fig.y_range.end -= range_diff self._update_zoom_visibility(self.zoom_state) def _update_zoom_visibility(self, zoom_state: int) -> None: # adjust all texts defined in zoom_now_show_texts for zoom_obj in self.zoom_objects: zoom_obj.update_zoom_visibility(zoom_state) def _change_figure_visibility(self, visible: bool) -> None: if visible and self.water_route_graph: self.fig.x_range.start = self.water_route_graph.origin_x + \ (self.water_route_graph.width - self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init] * self.aspect_factor) * 0.5 self.fig.x_range.end = self.water_route_graph.origin_x + \ (self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init] * self.aspect_factor + self.water_route_graph.width) * 0.5 else: self.fig.x_range.start = 1 self.fig.x_range.end = 1 def _update_graph(self) -> None: # 3.1 update the figure ranges # put graph in the middle of the canvas in x direction self.fig.x_range.start = self.water_route_graph.origin_x + \ (self.water_route_graph.width - self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init] * self.aspect_factor) * 0.5 self.fig.x_range.end = self.water_route_graph.origin_x + \ (self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init] * self.aspect_factor + self.water_route_graph.width) * 0.5 self.fig.y_range.start = self.water_route_graph.origin_y + (self.water_route_graph.height - self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init]) * 0.5 self.fig.y_range.end = self.water_route_graph.origin_y + (self.water_route_graph.height + self.view_ranges[self.zoom_state_init]) * 0.5 self.text_names.initialized = True self.text_info.initialized = True self._update_zoom_visibility(self.zoom_state_init) self.zoom_state = self.zoom_state_init self.zoom_state_old = self.zoom_state_init self.zoom_slider.value = self.zoom_state_init # 1. generate data dicts # 1.1 Water routes = self.water_route_graph.main_water_route_beziers = self.water_route_graph.bypass_routes_beziers = self.water_route_graph.spill_routes_beziers # Oceans = self._generate_ocean_beziers(self.water_route_graph.oceans_coordinates) = self._generate_ocean_beziers(self.water_route_graph.oceans_bypass_coordinates) = self._generate_ocean_beziers(self.water_route_graph.oceans_spillage_coordinates) # 1.2 reservoirs self.reservoirs_data_dict = self.water_route_graph.reservoir_coordinates reservoirs_dummy = {k: v for k, v in self.reservoirs_data_dict.items()} reservoirs_dummy['xs'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['xs']) reservoirs_dummy['ys'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['ys']) reservoirs_dummy['x'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['x']) reservoirs_dummy['y'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['y']) = reservoirs_dummy # shadows reservoirs shadow_dict_res = {} if len(self.reservoirs_data_dict['x']) > 0: shadow_dict_res['xs'] = list(self.reservoirs_data_dict['x'] + self.shadow_offset) shadow_dict_res['ys'] = list(self.reservoirs_data_dict['y'] + self.shadow_offset) else: shadow_dict_res['xs'] = list() shadow_dict_res['ys'] = list() = shadow_dict_res # 1.3 power stations self.power_station_data_dict = self.water_route_graph.all_power_stations_coordinates # = {k: list(v) for k, v in self.power_station_data_dict.items()} # 1 # shadows power stations shadow_dict_ps = {} # self.power_station_data_dict.copy() if len(self.power_station_data_dict['x']) > 0: shadow_dict_ps['xs'] = list(self.power_station_data_dict['x'] + self.shadow_offset) shadow_dict_ps['ys'] = list(self.power_station_data_dict['y'] + self.shadow_offset) else: shadow_dict_ps['xs'] = list() shadow_dict_ps['ys'] = list() = shadow_dict_ps # 1.3.1 power stations meta info self._generate_power_station_meta_info( list(self.water_route_graph.dh_tag_obj['power_stations'].values()) + list(self.water_route_graph.dh_tag_obj['pump_stations'].values()) + list(self.water_route_graph.dh_tag_obj['pure_pumps'].values())) = {k: list(v) for k, v in self.power_station_data_dict.items()} # 2 # 1.2.1 reservoir meta info at the end since it takes time self._generate_reservoir_meta_info(list(self.water_route_graph.dh_tag_obj['reservoirs'].values())) reservoirs_dummy = {k: v for k, v in self.reservoirs_data_dict.items()} reservoirs_dummy['xs'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['xs']) reservoirs_dummy['ys'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['ys']) reservoirs_dummy['x'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['x']) reservoirs_dummy['y'] = list(reservoirs_dummy['y']) = reservoirs_dummy # 2.5 Text self.text_names.initialized = False self.text_names.update_callback() self.text_info.initialized = False self.text_info.update_callback() def _clear_figure(self) -> None: """ clear the figure """ = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} # 4.2 reservoir and power stations # 4.2.1 shadows = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} # 4.2.2 mad = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} self.reservoirs_data_dict = {} self.power_station_data_dict = {} # 4.2.3 oceans = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} # texts = {k: [] for k in} = {k: [] for k in} def _generate_reservoir_meta_info(self, reservoirs: List[Any]) -> None: """" Generate meta info for reservoirs and add it to the reservoir patches dict :param reservoirs: list :return reservoir_dict: dict """ if len(reservoirs) == 0: return raw_data = list(zip(*[[, 'Reservoir',] for rs in reservoirs])) self.reservoirs_data_dict['name'] = list(raw_data[0]) self.reservoirs_data_dict['type'] = list(raw_data[1]) self.reservoirs_data_dict['id'] = list(raw_data[2]) def _generate_power_station_meta_info(self, power_stations: List[Any]) -> None: """" Generate meta info for power-stations and add it to the reservoir patches dict :param power_stations: list """ if len(power_stations) == 0: return raw_data = list(zip(*[[, 'Power Station',] for ps in power_stations])) self.power_station_data_dict['name'] = list(raw_data[0]) self.power_station_data_dict['type'] = list(raw_data[1]) self.power_station_data_dict['id'] = list(raw_data[2]) @staticmethod def _generate_ocean_beziers(ocean_dict: Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]: """ Generate data dictionary for ocean glyphs 2 wave like beziers as symbol for each ocean :param ocean_dict: dict :return bezier_dict: dict """ if ocean_dict['tags']: offset_y = ocean_dict['height'] * 0.2 x_min = ocean_dict['origin_x'] x_max = ocean_dict['origin_x'] + ocean_dict['width'] x_mid = ocean_dict['origin_x'] + ocean_dict['width'] * 0.5 y_mean = ocean_dict['origin_y'] + ocean_dict['height'] * 0.5 y_m = y_mean - offset_y y_p = y_mean + offset_y n_oceans = len(x_min) bezier_dict = {'sx': np.array([x_min, x_min]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'sy': np.array([y_m, y_p]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'ex': np.array([x_max, x_max]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'ey': np.array([y_m, y_p]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'c1x': np.array([x_mid, x_mid]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'c1y': np.array([y_mean, y_p + offset_y]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'c2x': np.array([x_mid, x_mid]).reshape(2 * n_oceans), 'c2y': np.array([y_m - offset_y, y_mean]).reshape(2 * n_oceans) } else: bezier_dict = {'sx': [], 'sy': [], 'ex': [], 'ey': [], 'c1x': [], 'c1y': [], 'c2x': [], 'c2y': [], } return bezier_dict def _update_name_text(self) -> None: text_name_data_dict = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'texts': []} for dict_i in [self.reservoirs_data_dict, self.power_station_data_dict]: if len(dict_i['origin_x']) == 0: continue text_name_data_dict['x'].extend(dict_i['origin_x'] + 2) text_name_data_dict['y'].extend( dict_i['origin_y'] + dict_i['height'] - self.text_names.current_font_size - 5) text_name_data_dict['texts'].extend([name[:14].replace('_', ' ') for name in dict_i['name']]) = text_name_data_dict def _update_info_text(self) -> None: text_info_data_dict = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'texts': []} for dict_i in [self.reservoirs_data_dict, self.power_station_data_dict]: text_info_data_dict['x'].extend(dict_i['origin_x'] + 0.28 * dict_i['width']) text_info_data_dict['y'].extend(dict_i['origin_y'] + 0.45 * dict_i['height']) text_info_data_dict['texts'].extend([f'{tag}' for tag in dict_i['tags']]) = text_info_data_dict