Source code for shyft.dashboard.base.selector_views

from packaging import version
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import (List, Any, Optional)

import bokeh
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.layouts
from bokeh.layouts import column

from shyft.dashboard.base import constants
from import LayoutComponents, Widget
from shyft.dashboard.base.ports import (States, Sender, StatePorts, Receiver)

[docs] class SelectorViewBase(Widget): """ The select view base class can be used to define custom selector views for the selector presenter. (For an custom select view see class SelectTwoView) """
[docs] def __init__(self, logger=None) -> None: super().__init__(logger=logger) self.send_selection = Sender(parent=self, name='send selection of view', signal_type=List[str]) self.receive_options = Receiver(parent=self, name='receive options to show in view', func=self._receive_options, signal_type=List[str]) self.receive_selection = Receiver(parent=self, name='receive selection to show in view', func=self._receive_selection, signal_type=List[str]) self.state_ports = StatePorts(parent=self, _receive_state=self._receive_state) self.state = States.ACTIVE
@property @abstractmethod def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: """ Property to return all layout.dom components of an visualisation app such that they can be arranged by the parent layout obj as desired. Returns ------- dict layout_components as: {'widgets': [], 'figures': []} """ pass @abstractmethod def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options List of new options """ pass @abstractmethod def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new selection to show in the view view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ pass @abstractmethod def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ Receive state, this should be able to handle all states defiened by States! Parameters ---------- state: state variable """ pass @property @abstractmethod def width(self) -> int: pass @width.setter @abstractmethod def width(self, width: int) -> None: pass @property @abstractmethod def layout(self) -> bokeh.models.LayoutDOM: pass
[docs] def calculate_layout_width(width, padding): if width is None or padding is None: return None return width + padding
[docs] class TwoSelect(SelectorViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional = None) -> None: super().__init__(logger=logger) self._default = '' self._title = title self._options: List[str] = [] text_height = text_height or constants.text_height padding = padding or constants.widget_padding sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode layout_width = calculate_layout_width(width, padding) # Keep title sizing mode fixed so it stays "connected" as expected to the first Select-field. # This mimics the behaviour of setting a title on the TwoSelect without experiencing # different Select-fields sizes as a side-effect. self._two_select_title = bokeh.models.Div(text=title, height=text_height) self._select1 = bokeh.models.Select(width=width, height=height) self._select1.disabled = False self._select1.on_change('value', self._on_change_select1) self._update_select1 = self.update_value_factory(self._select1, 'value') self._select2 = bokeh.models.Select(width=width, height=height) self._select2.disabled = False self._select2.on_change('value', self._on_change_select2) self._update_select2 = self.update_value_factory(self._select2, 'value') columns = [self._select1, self._select2] if title: columns.insert(0, self._two_select_title) self._layout = bokeh.layouts.column(children=columns, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, width=layout_width, height=height)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} '{self._title}'" @property def layout(self) -> bokeh.models.LayoutDOM: return self._layout @property def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: return {'widgets': [self._select1, self._select2], 'figures': []} def _on_change_select1(self, attr, old, new) -> None: # update options of the other selector except default value self._select2.options = [o for o in self._options if o != new or o == self._default] self.send_selection([new, self._select2.value]) def _on_change_select2(self, attr, old, new) -> None: # update options of the other selector except default value self._select1.options = [o for o in self._options if o != new or o == self._default] # send selection to callback self.send_selection([self._select1.value, new]) def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options: List of new options """ self._default = new_options[0] self._options = new_options self._select1.options = new_options.copy() self._select2.options = new_options.copy() def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ if len(new_values) == 0: new_values = [self._default, self._default] if len(new_values) == 1: new_values = [new_values[0], self._default] if new_values[0] == new_values[1]: new_values = [new_values[0], self._default] self._update_select1(new_values[0]) self._select2.options = [o for o in self._options if o != new_values[0] or o == self._default] self._update_select2(new_values[1]) self._select1.options = [o for o in self._options if o != new_values[1] or o == self._default] def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ Receive state, this should be able to handle all states defiened by States! Parameters ---------- state: state variable """ if state != self.state: self.state = state self.state_ports.send_state(state) if state == States.LOADING: self.disabled = True self._two_select_title.update(text=': '.join([self._title, 'loading ...'])) elif state == States.PROCESSING: self.disabled = True self._two_select_title.update(text=': '.join([self._title, 'processing ...'])) elif state == States.INVALID: self.disabled = False self._two_select_title.update(text=': '.join([self._title, 'invalid'])) elif state == States.READY: self.disabled = False self._two_select_title.update(text=self._title) elif state == States.ACTIVE: self.disabled = False self._two_select_title.update(text=self._title) elif state == States.DEACTIVE: self.disabled = True self._two_select_title.update(text=self._title) else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self.__class__.__name__} - unknown state '{state}' received") @property def disabled(self) -> bool: return self._select1.disabled and self._select2.disabled @disabled.setter def disabled(self, disabled: bool) -> None: self._select1.disabled = disabled self._select2.disabled = disabled @property def width(self) -> int: return self._select1.width @width.setter def width(self, width: int) -> None: self._select1.width = width self._select2.width = width
[docs] class FilterMultiSelect(SelectorViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: str, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: str = None, size: int = 10, padding: int = None, filter_after_enter_is_pressed: bool = False, case_sensitive: bool = False, logger: Optional = None) -> None: super().__init__(logger=logger) self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive padding = padding or constants.widget_padding sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode layout_width = calculate_layout_width(width, padding) bkwargs = dict(width=width, height=height, size=size, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) self.send_event_message = Sender(parent=self, name="TS selector event messenger", signal_type=str) self._multi_select = bokeh.models.MultiSelect(**bkwargs) self._multi_select.on_change('value', self._on_change_select) self._update_select = self.update_value_factory(self._multi_select, 'value') self._filter_input = bokeh.models.TextInput(title=title, name="filter_input", width=width) value = 'value' if not filter_after_enter_is_pressed: value = 'value_input' self._filter_input.on_change(value, self._filter_input_change) self._title = title self._current_filter = None self._layout = bokeh.layouts.column(self._filter_input, self._multi_select, height=height, width=layout_width)
@property def layout(self) -> bokeh.layouts.LayoutDOM: return self._layout @property def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: return {'widgets': [self._filter_input, self._multi_select], 'figures': []} def _on_change_select(self, attr, old, new) -> None: self.send_selection(new) def _filter_input_change(self, attr, old, new) -> None: self._current_filter = new self._filtered_options = self._filter_options() self._multi_select.options = self._filtered_options.copy() def _filter_options(self) -> List[str]: if self._current_filter is None: return self._options if self.case_sensitive: return [option for option in self._options if self._current_filter in option] else: return [option for option in self._options if self._current_filter.lower() in option.lower()] def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options: List of new options """ self._default = new_options[0] self._options = new_options self._filtered_options = self._filter_options() self._multi_select.options = self._filtered_options.copy() def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ self._update_select(new_values) def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ Receive state, this should be able to handle all states defined by States! Parameters ---------- state: state variable """ if state != self.state: self.state = state self.state_ports.send_state(state) if state == States.LOADING: self.disabled = True self._filter_input.update(title=': '.join([self._title, 'loading ...'])) elif state == States.PROCESSING: self.disabled = True self._filter_input.update(title=': '.join([self._title, 'processing ...'])) elif state == States.INVALID: self.disabled = False self._filter_input.update(title=': '.join([self._title, 'invalid'])) elif state == States.READY: self.disabled = False self._filter_input.update(title=self._title) elif state == States.ACTIVE: self.disabled = False self._filter_input.update(title=self._title) elif state == States.DEACTIVE: self.disabled = True self._filter_input.update(title=self._title) else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self.__class__.__name__} - unknown state '{state}' received") @property def disabled(self) -> bool: return self._multi_select.disabled and self._filter_input.disabled @disabled.setter def disabled(self, disabled: bool) -> None: self._multi_select.disabled = disabled self._filter_input.disabled = disabled @property def width(self) -> int: return self._multi_select.width @width.setter def width(self, width: int) -> None: self._multi_select.width = width self._filter_input.width = width
[docs] class BokehViewBase(SelectorViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: str, bokeh_model: bokeh.models, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional = None, title_model: Optional[Any] = None, title_attribute: Optional[str] = None, show_state_title: bool = True, **bkwargs) -> None: super().__init__(logger=logger) padding = padding or constants.widget_padding sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode bkwargs.update(dict(width=width, height=height, sizing_mode=sizing_mode)) self._bokeh_view = bokeh_model(**bkwargs) self._title_model = title_model or self._bokeh_view self._title_attribute = title_attribute or 'title' self._bokeh_view.disabled = False self._layout = bokeh.layouts.column(self._bokeh_view, width=calculate_layout_width(width, padding), sizing_mode=sizing_mode) self.state: States = States.ACTIVE self._default: str = '' self._title: str = title or '' self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: self._title}) self._show_state_title = show_state_title
@property def layout(self) -> bokeh.layouts.LayoutDOM: return self._layout def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self._bokeh_view.__class__.__name__} '{self._title}'" def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ Receive state, this should be able to handle all states defiened by States! Parameters ---------- state: state variable """ if state != self.state: self.state = state self.state_ports.send_state(state) if state == States.LOADING: self.disabled = True if self._show_state_title: self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: ': '.join([self._title, 'loading ...'])}) elif state == States.PROCESSING: self.disabled = True if self._show_state_title: self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: ': '.join([self._title, 'processing ...'])}) elif state == States.INVALID: self.disabled = False if self._show_state_title: self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: ': '.join([self._title, 'invalid'])}) elif state == States.READY: self.disabled = False if self._show_state_title: self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: self._title}) elif state == States.ACTIVE: self.disabled = False if self._show_state_title: self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: self._title}) elif state == States.DEACTIVE: self.disabled = True if self._show_state_title: self._title_model.update(**{self._title_attribute: self._title}) else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self.__class__.__name__} - unknown state '{state}' received") @property def disabled(self) -> bool: return self._bokeh_view.disabled @disabled.setter def disabled(self, disabled: bool) -> None: self._bokeh_view.disabled = disabled @property def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: return {'widgets': [self._bokeh_view], 'figures': []} @property def width(self) -> int: return self._bokeh_view.width @width.setter def width(self, width: int) -> None: self._bokeh_view.width = width @abstractmethod def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: pass
[docs] class Select(BokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional = None, show_state_title: bool = True, **bkwargs) -> None: super().__init__(title=title, bokeh_model=bokeh.models.Select, width=width, height=height, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, show_state_title=show_state_title, **bkwargs) self._bokeh_view.on_change('value', self._on_change_select) self._update_select = self.update_value_factory(self._bokeh_view, 'value')
def _on_change_select(self, attr, old, new) -> None: self.send_selection([new]) def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options: List of new options """ self._default = new_options[0] self._bokeh_view.options = new_options.copy() def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ if len(new_values) == 0: self._update_select(self._default) else: self._update_select(new_values[0])
[docs] class MultiSelect(BokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: str, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional = None, show_state_title: bool = True, **bkwargs) -> None: super().__init__(title=title, bokeh_model=bokeh.models.MultiSelect, height=height, width=width, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, show_state_title=show_state_title, **bkwargs) self._bokeh_view.on_change('value', self._on_change_select) self._update_select = self.update_value_factory(self._bokeh_view, 'value')
def _on_change_select(self, attr, old, new) -> None: # bokeh returns list of str self.send_selection(new) def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options: List of new options """ self._default = new_options[0] self._bokeh_view.options = new_options.copy() def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ if len(new_values) == 0: self._update_select([self._default]) else: self._update_select(new_values)
[docs] class AutocompleteInput(BokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: str, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional = None, placeholder: Optional[str] = None, keep_text_value: bool = True, show_state_title: bool = True, **bkwargs) -> None: bkwargs.update(dict(placeholder=placeholder or '')) super().__init__(title=title, bokeh_model=bokeh.models.AutocompleteInput, width=width, height=height, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, show_state_title=show_state_title, **bkwargs) self.keep_text_value = keep_text_value self.options: List[str] = [] self._bokeh_view.on_change('value', self._on_change_select) self._update_select = self.update_value_factory(self._bokeh_view, 'value') self._bokeh_view.placeholder = placeholder or ''
def _on_change_select(self, attr, old, new) -> None: temp_text_value = new # n_test = [n.lower() for n in new.split()] # if all(n in self.options for n in n_test): n_test = [option for option in self.options if new in option.lower()] if new in self.options: self.send_selection([new]) elif n_test: self.send_selection(n_test) elif self.keep_text_value: self._update_select(temp_text_value) else: self._update_select('') def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options: List of new options """ self._default = new_options[0] # self.options = [o.lower() for o in new_options[1:]] self.options = [o for o in new_options[1:]] self._bokeh_view.completions = new_options[1:] def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ if len(new_values) == 0: self._update_select(self._default) else: self._update_select(new_values[0])
[docs] class GroupBokehViewBase(BokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: str, bokeh_model, width: Optional[int]=None, height: Optional[int]=None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int]=None, sizing_mode: Optional[str]=None, logger: Optional=None, show_state_title: bool=True, **bkwargs) -> None: padding = padding or constants.widget_padding sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode text_height = text_height or constants.text_height layout_width = calculate_layout_width(width, padding) self._title_div = bokeh.models.Div(text=title or "", height=text_height) super().__init__(title=title, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, width=width, height=height, logger=logger, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, title_model=self._title_div, title_attribute='text', show_state_title=show_state_title, **bkwargs) self.options: List[str] = [] self._update_select = self.update_value_factory(self._bokeh_view, 'active') columns = [self._bokeh_view] if title: columns.insert(0, self._title_div) self._layout = bokeh.layouts.column(columns, width=layout_width, height=height, sizing_mode=sizing_mode)
@property def layout(self) -> bokeh.layouts.LayoutDOM: return self._layout @property def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: return {'widgets': [self._title_div, self._bokeh_view], 'figures': []} def _receive_options(self, new_options: List[str]) -> None: """ List of new options to view Parameters ---------- new_options """ self._default = new_options[0] self.options = new_options[1:] self._bokeh_view.labels = new_options[1:] @abstractmethod def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: pass
[docs] class RadioGroupBokehViewBase(GroupBokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str]=None, bokeh_model, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str]=None, logger: Optional=None, show_state_title=True, **bkwargs) -> None: super().__init__(title=title, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, width=width, height=height, text_height=text_height, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, show_state_title=show_state_title, **bkwargs) self._bokeh_view.on_change('active', self._on_change_select)
def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ if len(new_values) == 0 or new_values[0] not in self.options: self._update_select(None) else: self._update_select(self.options.index(new_values[0])) def _on_change_select(self, attr, old, new) -> None: # bokeh returns int if new in range(len(self.options)): self.send_selection([self.options[new]])
[docs] class RadioButtonGroup(RadioGroupBokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str]=None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int]=None, sizing_mode: Optional[str]=None, logger=None, **bkwargs) -> None: bokeh_model = bokeh.models.RadioButtonGroup super().__init__(title=title, width=width, height=height, text_height=text_height, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, **bkwargs)
[docs] class RadioGroup(RadioGroupBokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str]=None, width: Optional[int]=None, height: Optional[int]=None, text_height: Optional[int]=None, padding: Optional[int]=None, sizing_mode: Optional[str]=None, logger=None, **bkwargs) -> None: bokeh_model = bokeh.models.RadioGroup super().__init__(title=title, width=width, height=height, text_height=text_height, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, **bkwargs)
[docs] class CheckboxGroupBokehViewBase(GroupBokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str]=None, bokeh_model, width: Optional[int]=None, height: Optional[int]=None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int]=None, sizing_mode: Optional[str]=None, logger: Optional=None, show_state_title: bool=True, **bkwargs) -> None: super().__init__(title=title, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, width=width, height=height, text_height=text_height, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=logger, show_state_title=show_state_title, **bkwargs) self._bokeh_view.on_change('active', self._on_change_select)
def _receive_selection(self, new_values: List[str]) -> None: """ Set new values of the view! Without triggering the callback, i.e. send selection! Parameters ---------- new_values: List of new values(s) """ if len(new_values) == 0: if version.parse(bokeh.__version__) < version.Version("2.3.0"): self._update_select(None) else: self._update_select([]) else: active = [self.options.index(v) for v in new_values if v in self.options] self._update_select(active) def _on_change_select(self, attr, old, new) -> None: # bokeh returns List[int] if new and max(new) in range(len(self.options)): selected = [self.options[i] for i in new] self.send_selection(selected) else: self.send_selection([])
[docs] class CheckboxGroup(CheckboxGroupBokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str]=None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, logger=None, **bkwargs) -> None: bokeh_model = bokeh.models.CheckboxGroup super().__init__(title=title, width=width, height=height, text_height=text_height, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, logger=logger, **bkwargs)
[docs] class CheckboxButtonGroup(CheckboxGroupBokehViewBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, text_height: Optional[int] = None, logger=None, **bkwargs) -> None: bokeh_model = bokeh.models.CheckboxButtonGroup super().__init__(title=title, width=width, height=height, text_height=text_height, bokeh_model=bokeh_model, height_policy='min', logger=logger, **bkwargs)
[docs] class TextInput(Widget): """ A text input widget to get a text input and send it onward via a port. The TextInput widget reads a string from the user, which then will be passed to the TextInputPresenter via the send_text_input port. """
[docs] def __init__(self, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, title: str = "Text input", sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Constructor. :param width: The width of the widget. :param height: The height of the widget. :param title: The title of the widget. :param padding: Padding. :param sizing_mode: Sizing mode (options: "fixed", "stretch_both", "scale_width", "scale_height", "scale_both"). :param logger: A logger :param kwargs: """ super().__init__(logger=logger) sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode padding = padding or constants.widget_padding kwargs['title'] = title kwargs['width'] = width kwargs['height'] = height kwargs['value'] = '' self.text_input = bokeh.models.TextInput(**kwargs) self.text_input.on_change('value', self.on_change) self._layout = column(self.text_input, width=calculate_layout_width(width, padding), height=height, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) self.send_text_input = Sender(parent=self, name='send text input', signal_type=str) self.state_port = StatePorts(parent=self, _receive_state=self._receive_state) self.state = States.ACTIVE
@property def layout(self) -> bokeh.models.LayoutDOM: """ The layout of the widget. :return: self._layout """ return self._layout @property def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents: """ Returns the components contained in the layout. :return: Dict of components (widgets and figures) """ return {'widgets': [self.text_input], 'figures': []}
[docs] def on_change(self, attr, old, new): """ Sends input value (a string) with the connection port (self.send_text_input). :param attr: a sting ('value') :param old: the previous string :param new: the new string """ self.send_text_input(new)
def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ Receives a state. :param state: a State object """ if state == self.state: return if state == States.ACTIVE: self.state = state elif state == States.DEACTIVE: self.state = state self.state_port.send_state(state) else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self} - not handel for received state {state} implemented") self.state_port.send_state(state)