Source code for shyft.dashboard.examples.ts_viewer_background_data_renderer

How we like things to be
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
import numpy as np

import bokeh
from bokeh.layouts import row, column

from shyft.time_series import (UtcPeriod, point_interpretation_policy, TimeSeries, DoubleVector, TsVector, TimeAxis,

from shyft.dashboard.time_series.ds_view_handle import DsViewHandle
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.sources.source import DataSource
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer import TsViewer
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.view import BackgroundData, Line
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.view_container.figure import Figure
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.axes_handler import DsViewTimeAxisType
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.state import State, Unit, Quantity
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.sources.ts_adapter import TsAdapter
from shyft.dashboard.widgets.logger_box import LoggerBox
from import ResetTool
from import (ResetYRange)

from import AppBase


[docs] class ExampleTsAdapterBackgroundData(TsAdapter):
[docs] def __init__(self, unit_to_decorate: Unit, time_range: UtcPeriod) -> None: = Calendar() self.point_interpretation = point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE self.unit_to_decorate = unit_to_decorate # generate a time series with random data with dt 1h n = time_range.diff_units(, ta = TimeAxis(time_range.start,, n) vals = np.random.randint(8, size=n) vals[20:100] = 2 vals[200:500] = 1 vals[1000:1500] = 3 self.ts1 = TimeSeries(ta, DoubleVector.from_numpy(vals), self.point_interpretation)
[docs] def __call__(self, *, time_axis, unit) -> Quantity[TsVector]: # average the known values to fit to the current given time axis ts_input = TimeSeries(time_axis, DoubleVector.from_numpy(time_axis.time_points[:-1]), self.point_interpretation) ts1 = self.ts1.use_time_axis_from(ts_input) ts1.set_point_interpretation(self.point_interpretation) tsv = TsVector([ts1]) return State.unit_registry.Quantity(tsv, self.unit_to_decorate)
[docs] class BackgroundDataRendererExample(AppBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, thread_pool, app_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): super().__init__(thread_pool=thread_pool) self.logger = None # app_kwargs['logger']
@property def name(self) -> str: """ This property returns the name of the app """ return "background_renderer_example"
[docs] def get_layout(self, doc: bokeh.document.Document, logger: Optional[LoggerBox] = None) -> bokeh.layouts.LayoutDOM: """ This function returns the full page layout for the app """ # PRE RUNTIME figure_width = 800 doc.title="ts-bg-rendering" # Initialising the different tools for the app # ts viewer tools reset_tool = ResetTool(logger=logger) # figure tools reset_y_range_tool = ResetYRange(logger=logger) # Create our viewer app viewer = TsViewer(bokeh_document=doc, unit_registry=State.unit_registry, tools=[reset_tool], time_step_restrictions=[Calendar.HOUR*3, Calendar.DAY, Calendar.WEEK], thread_pool_executor=self.thread_pool, logger=logger) # create first figure with all additional y-axes fig1 = Figure(viewer=viewer, tools=[reset_y_range_tool], width=figure_width, logger=logger) # Initialise a data source time_range = UtcPeriod(-3600*24*100, 3600*24*100) data_source = DataSource(ts_adapter=ExampleTsAdapterBackgroundData(unit_to_decorate='MW', time_range=time_range), unit='MW', request_time_axis_type=DsViewTimeAxisType.padded_view_time_axis, time_range=time_range) # Initialise views # the view creates random data but some values are fixed to 2, 1 and 1.3 this one should be highlighted #color_map = {3: "blue", 2: "purple", 1: "green"} values_color_map = {3: {'color': "blue", 'label': 'the machine is on'}, 2: {'color': "purple", 'label': 'the machine is off'}, 1: {'color': "green", 'label': 'the machine is starting'}} # create a back ground data view background_data_view = BackgroundData(unit='MW', label='test adapter fill in between', visible=True, default_color='red', view_container=fig1, index=0, fill_alpha=0.3, values_color_map=values_color_map, y_max=10, y_min=-10, show_not_defined=False) # create a line view to show the same data line = Line(view_container=fig1, color='black', line_width=1, index=0, unit='MW', label='data as a line') # Connecting the views and a data source through a DsViewHandle ds_view_handle = DsViewHandle(data_source=data_source, views=[background_data_view, line]) # Adding the ds_view_handle to the app viewer.add_ds_view_handles(ds_view_handles=[ds_view_handle]) # add some buttons and selctors to test the callbacks not_defiend_button = bokeh.models.widgets.Button(label='Show not defined') def change_show_not_defined(): background_data_view.show_not_defined = [True, False][background_data_view.show_not_defined] not_defiend_button.on_click(change_show_not_defined) fill_alpha_button = bokeh.models.widgets.Button(label='Change fill_alpha: 0.3') def change_fill_alpha(): if background_data_view.fill_alpha == 0.3: background_data_view.fill_alpha = 0.6 fill_alpha_button.label = 'Change fill_alpha: 0.6' else: background_data_view.fill_alpha = 0.3 fill_alpha_button.label = 'Change fill_alpha: 0.3' fill_alpha_button.on_click(change_fill_alpha) color_map_button = bokeh.models.widgets.Button(label=f'mix up color map {values_color_map}') def mix_up_color_map(): if background_data_view.values_color_map[3]['color'] != "blue": values_color_map = {3: {'color': "blue", 'label': 'the machine is on'}, 2: {'color': "purple", 'label': 'the machine is off'}, 1: {'color': "green", 'label': 'the machine is starting'}} background_data_view.values_color_map = values_color_map color_map_button.label = f'mix up color map {values_color_map}' else: values_color_map = {3: {'color': "green", 'label': 'the machine is on'}, 2: {'color': "orange", 'label': 'the machine is off'}, 1: {'color': "black", 'label': 'the machine is starting'}} background_data_view.values_color_map = values_color_map color_map_button.label = f'mix up color map {values_color_map}' color_map_button.on_click(mix_up_color_map) layout = column(row(viewer.layout, reset_tool.layout, reset_y_range_tool.layout), row(fig1.layout), row(bokeh.models.widgets.Div(text="Callbacks to change view properties:")), row(not_defiend_button, fill_alpha_button, color_map_button) ) return layout