Source code for shyft.dashboard.maps.map_layer

from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Optional, Tuple, Set
import numpy as np
import bokeh.models
from shyft.dashboard.base.hashable import Hashable
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.bindable import Bindable, BindableError

[docs] class MapLayerError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs] class MapLayerType(Enum): """ Enum defining expected keys to create a bokeh glyph Note: - First variable should be x coordinates - Second variable should be y coordinates """ POINT = ('x', 'y') POLYGON = ('xs', 'ys') LABEL = ('x', 'y', 'text')
layer_type_glyph_reference = {MapLayerType.POINT: bokeh.models.Circle, MapLayerType.POLYGON: bokeh.models.Patches, MapLayerType.LABEL: bokeh.models.Text}
[docs] def find_tags_from_tooltips(tool_tips: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Set[str]: """ This function evaluates tooltips for bokeh.Hover for required fields in data source Parameters ---------- tool_tips: List of Tuples with 2 strings as defiend in bokeh Examples -------- | tt = [("Type", "@type"), | ("Name", "@name")] | find_tags_from_tooltips(tt) | >>> {'type', 'name'} Returns ------- a set of required field names """ recording = False tag_with_space = False new_tag = [] tags = [] for _, tag in tool_tips: for t in tag: if t == '@' and not recording: new_tag = [] recording, tag_with_space = True, False elif t == '@' and recording: tags.append(new_tag) new_tag = [] recording, tag_with_space = True, False elif not recording: continue elif t == '{' and len(new_tag) == 0: # start of tag with space tag_with_space = True elif t == '{' and len(new_tag) > 0: # start of tag formatting tags.append(new_tag) new_tag = [] recording, tag_with_space = False, False elif t == ' ' and not tag_with_space: tags.append(new_tag) new_tag = [] recording, tag_with_space = False, False elif t in ['}', '$']: # just closing tags.append(new_tag) new_tag = [] recording, tag_with_space = False, False else: new_tag.append(t) if new_tag: tags.append(new_tag) new_tag = [] recording, tag_with_space = False, False return {''.join(t) for t in tags}
[docs] class MapLayer(Bindable, Hashable):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, map_viewer: 'statkraft.bokeh.maps.map_viewer.MapViewer', name: str, layer_type: MapLayerType, glyph_variable_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]], glyph_fixed_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]], visible: bool = True, selectable: bool = False, update_axes: bool = True, hover_tool_tips: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None) -> None: """ Layer of Map Viewer Each layer adds a bokeh glyph to the map. The draw order is controlled by the order the layers are created. The type of bokeh glyphs are controlled by the LayerType: - LayerType.POINT => Circles - nLayerType.POLYGON => Patches Labels are only supported for LayerType.POINT Parameters ---------- map_viewer: MapViewer instance to add this layer to name: name of the layer layer_type: type of the layer glyph_variable_kwargs: glyph variable kwargs which are controlled in the data source e.g. {'xs': 'x_values'} glyph_fixed_kwargs: glyph fixed kwargs which are set only by initialisation e.g {'color': 'red'} visible: visibility of the layer at initialisation selectable: if glyphs can be selected with the selection tool update_axes: if the bbox of this layer should be used in MapViewer.figure_axis hover_tool_tips: hover over information """ Hashable.__init__(self) Bindable.__init__(self) = name self.hover_tool_tips = hover_tool_tips self.hover_tool = None self.selectable = selectable self._visible = visible self.update_axes = update_axes if glyph_variable_kwargs is None: raise MapLayerError(f'Map layer {name}: No glyph_variable_kwargs for source defined!') tag_diff = set(glyph_variable_kwargs.keys()).symmetric_difference(glyph_fixed_kwargs.keys()) if len(tag_diff) != len(glyph_variable_kwargs.keys()) + len(glyph_fixed_kwargs.keys()): msg = f"""Map layer {}: kwargs are double defined in glyph_variable_kwargs and glyph_fixed_kwargs: {tag_diff} in both!""" raise MapLayerError(msg) self.source_keys = {v for v in glyph_variable_kwargs.values()} if hover_tool_tips: required_source_keys = find_tags_from_tooltips(hover_tool_tips) self.source_keys.update(required_source_keys) # check layer type for coordinate_ref in layer_type.value: if coordinate_ref not in glyph_variable_kwargs.keys(): raise MapLayerError(f'Map layer {name}: {coordinate_ref} not defined in bokeh_source_kwargs!') self.layer_type = layer_type # create bokeh data source self.source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in self.source_keys}) # create bokeh glyph try: self.glyph = layer_type_glyph_reference[self.layer_type](**glyph_variable_kwargs, **glyph_fixed_kwargs) except (RuntimeError, AttributeError) as e: raise MapLayerError(f'Map layer {name}: cannot create bokeh glyph! {e}') # bokeh renderer self.renderer = None self.hover_tool = None # bind to the map provided self.bind(parent=map_viewer)
[docs] def on_bind(self, *, parent: 'statkraft.bokeh.maps.map_viewer.MapViewer') -> None: """ Function which is call when bound to a figure """ try: self.renderer, self.hover_tool = parent.add_layer(self) except (RuntimeError, AttributeError) as e: raise BindableError(f"Cannot bind to {parent}: {e}") # set visibility of the renderer self.renderer.visible = self._visible
@property def bbox(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: """ returns bounding box of defined geometry i.e x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max if data is defined """ layer_ref = self.layer_type.value if len(layer_ref) < 2: raise MapLayerError(f"Layer type not proper defined {self.layer_type}") x_ref, y_ref = layer_ref[0], layer_ref[1] x_coords =[x_ref] y_coords =[y_ref] if len(x_coords) == 0 or len(y_coords) == 0: return None return np.min(x_coords), np.min(y_coords), np.max(x_coords), np.max(y_coords)
[docs] def check_data_compatibility(self, new_data: Dict[str, Union[List[str], List[int], List[float]]]) -> None: """ This function checks if new data is compatible with layer Raises ------ LayerError when incompatible """ expected_keys = self.source_keys if len(set(new_data.keys()).symmetric_difference(expected_keys)): diff = set(new_data.keys()).symmetric_difference(expected_keys) raise MapLayerError(f'Map layer {}: cannot update data, different keys defined {diff}!') if not all(isinstance(x, list) for x in new_data.values()): t = ' '.join([f'{k}: {type(v)}' for k, v in new_data.items()]) raise MapLayerError(f'Map layer {}: cannot update data, not all values of data are type list: {t}!') n = len(list(new_data.values())[0]) if not all(len(x) == n for x in new_data.values()): l = ' '.join([f'{k}: {len(v)}' for k, v in new_data.items()]) raise MapLayerError(f'Map layer {}: cannot update data, different variable lengths defined: {l}!')
[docs] def updated_data(self, new_data: Dict[str, Union[List[str], List[int], List[float]]]) -> None: """ This function is updates the layer data if proper defined """ self.check_data_compatibility(new_data) = new_data
@property def visible(self) -> bool: """ Visibility of the glyph """ return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, vis: bool) -> None: """ Setter of visibility """ if vis == self._visible: return self._visible = vis if self.renderer is not None: self.renderer.visible = self._visible