Source code for shyft.dashboard.time_series.axes_handler

import abc
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Callable, Any
import logging
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np

from shyft.dashboard.time_series.view_time_axes import ViewTimeAxisProperties
from shyft.time_series import Calendar, utctime_now, TimeAxis, deltahours, UtcPeriod, min_utctime, max_utctime, time

from bokeh.models import Range1d

from shyft.dashboard.base import constants
from shyft.dashboard.base.ports import (Sender, Receiver, States, StatePorts, connect_ports)
from import update_value_factory
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.bindable import Bindable
from import ViewTimeAxisTool, DeltaTSelectorTool

[docs] class TimeAxisHandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs] class DsViewTimeAxisType(Enum): padded_view_time_axis = 0 view_time_axis = 1
[docs] class BaseViewTimeAxis(Bindable): """ This object represents the link between time axis handle and actual view time axis in the figures. Implemented as a Base object but now only one figure type from bokeh is used .. Attributes ---------- receive_view_period: Port to receive UtcPeriod to set view to Methods ------- trigger_update: triggers the update method of parent, a TimeAxisHandle should be used to trigger update machinery of the time axis and all views, i.e. when the figure range changed Abstract methods/properties ---------------- set_view_period: function to set the view of the figures and the time axis view_range: a property to get the current view range as a shyft.time_series.UtcPeriod """
[docs] def __init__(self, logger: Optional['logging.Logger'] = None): """ Parameters ---------- logger: optional logger """ super().__init__() self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger() self.receive_view_period: Receiver = Receiver(parent=self, name="receive view time axis utc period", signal_type=UtcPeriod, func=self._receive_view_period) self._state: States = States.ACTIVE self.state_port: StatePorts = StatePorts(parent=self, _receive_state=self._receive_state) self._time_axis_update_callbacks = {}
def _receive_view_period(self, view_period: UtcPeriod) -> None: """ This function is the port function of the self.receive_view_period port. It sets the received view period with padding, triggering the callback """ self.set_view_range(view_period, padding=True, callback=True)
[docs] def trigger_update(self): """ This function triggers the update method of the parent calls """ if self.bound: self.parent.trigger_time_axis_update() for callback in self._time_axis_update_callbacks.values(): callback()
[docs] def on_change_view_range(self, obj, callback) -> None: """ This function can be used to add on change view range callbacks, which informs the obj that the view range was changed Callback should have the form: >>> def callback(): >>> .. """ self._time_axis_update_callbacks.update({obj: callback})
[docs] def remove_on_change_view_range(self, obj) -> None: """ This function removes an on change view range callback """ self._time_axis_update_callbacks.pop(obj, None)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_view_range(self, view_range: UtcPeriod, callback: bool = True, padding: bool = True) -> None: """ This function sets the view period of the view time axis and thus of all adjoint figures Parameters ---------- view_range: UtcPeriod of start and end of view range callback: trigger update callback or not padding: add padding to the view range or not """ pass
@property @abc.abstractmethod def view_range(self) -> UtcPeriod: """ This property returns current view as a shyft.time_series.UtcPeriod :return: """ pass def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ This function sets the object into the received state """ if state == self._state: return self._state = state if state == States.DEACTIVE: self.state_port.send_state(state) elif state == States.LOADING or state == States.READY: self._state = States.ACTIVE elif state == States.ACTIVE: pass else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self} - not handel for received state {state} implemented") self.state_port.send_state(state)
[docs] class BokehViewTimeAxis(BaseViewTimeAxis): """ This object represents the link between time axis handle and actual view time axis in bokeh figures. It has a periodic callback to check the figure view and triggers the update of data whenever the time axis is changed. Notes ----- Times-resolution is seconds. Input with ms resolution is rounded. Attributes ---------- shared_x_range: Range1d bokeh visual slider to select what to view """
[docs] def __init__(self, bokeh_document: 'bokeh.document.Document', init_view_range: Optional[UtcPeriod] = None, zoom_in_interval: Optional[int] = None, zoom_out_interval: Optional[int] = None, x_range_padding: int = 0.05, time_zone: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional['logging.Logger'] = None) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- bokeh_document: the bokeh document where the ts viewer resides init_view_range: initial view range zoom_in_interval: range in UTC s of the minimal range (end-start) when zooming into a figure zoom_out_interval: range in UTC s of the maximal range (end-start) when zooming out of a figure x_range_padding: view padding added (extra_pad = (end - start)*x_range_padding) added to the range i.e. % time_zone: the time zone for applying a UTC offset in the view logger: logger """ super().__init__(logger) self.sec_to_milli: float = 1000.0 # Currently we use bokeh timedate formatter, that uses epoch ms resolution if zoom_in_interval: zoom_in_interval = float(zoom_in_interval)*self.sec_to_milli if zoom_out_interval: zoom_out_interval = float(zoom_out_interval)*self.sec_to_milli self._view_range: UtcPeriod = init_view_range or UtcPeriod(0, 1) # note range 0,1 _is_ a special range checked for other places.. self._current_view_range: UtcPeriod = self._view_range # note: used by the bokeh timer, if it fires, and find something here it triggers update self.utc_offset: time = Calendar(time_zone).tz_info.utc_offset(utctime_now()) if time_zone is not None else time(0) self.shared_x_range: Range1d = Range1d(start=float(self._view_range.start + self.utc_offset)*self.sec_to_milli, end=float(self._view_range.end + self.utc_offset)*self.sec_to_milli, min_interval=zoom_in_interval, max_interval=zoom_out_interval) self.shared_x_range.on_change('end', self.x_range_callback) self.x_rang_pad: float = x_range_padding # setter without callbacks that we need when we want to update the visual widget with value (no callback-circles) self.set_x_range_start: Callable[[Any], None] = update_value_factory(self.shared_x_range, 'start') self.set_x_range_end: Callable[[Any], None] = update_value_factory(self.shared_x_range, 'end') bokeh_document.add_periodic_callback(self.x_range_data_updater, 100)
[docs] def x_range_callback(self, attrn: str, old: int, new: int) -> None: """ This callback triggers a reload on bokeh figure x-range changes. Note that it only set the ._current_view_range that is picked up by the timer-driven x_range_data_updater every 100ms """ if self._state == States.ACTIVE: self._current_view_range = UtcPeriod(int(round(self.shared_x_range.start/self.sec_to_milli) - self.utc_offset), int(round(self.shared_x_range.end/self.sec_to_milli) - self.utc_offset))
[docs] def x_range_data_updater(self) -> None: """ This periodic callback is added to tornado event loop to trigger update of the hole TsViewer machinery """ if self._current_view_range and self._state == States.ACTIVE: self._view_range = self._current_view_range self._current_view_range = None # reset view self.trigger_update()
[docs] def set_view_range(self, view_range: UtcPeriod, callback: bool = True, padding: bool = True) -> None: """ This function sets the view period of the view time axis and thus of all adjoint figures Parameters ---------- start: start view time point in UTC s end: end view time point in UTC s callback: trigger update callback or not padding: add padding to the view range or not """ if padding: extra_pad = (view_range.end - view_range.start)*self.x_rang_pad else: extra_pad = 0 self.set_x_range_start(int(round((view_range.start - extra_pad + self.utc_offset)*self.sec_to_milli))) self.set_x_range_end(int(round((view_range.end + extra_pad + self.utc_offset)*self.sec_to_milli))) self._view_range = UtcPeriod(int(round(self.shared_x_range.start/self.sec_to_milli) - self.utc_offset), int(round(self.shared_x_range.end/self.sec_to_milli) - self.utc_offset)) self._current_view_range = self._view_range if callback: self.trigger_update()
@property def view_range(self) -> UtcPeriod: """ This property returns current view range as shyft.time_series.UtcPeriod """ return self._view_range
[docs] class TimePeriodSelectorTableViewTimeAxis(BaseViewTimeAxis):
[docs] def __init__(self, time_period_selector: '', logger: Optional['logging.Logger'] = None): super().__init__(logger=logger) self._view_range: UtcPeriod = UtcPeriod(0, 0) self.time_period_selector = time_period_selector connect_ports(time_period_selector.send_time_period, self.receive_view_period)
[docs] def set_view_range(self, view_range: UtcPeriod, callback: bool = True, padding: bool = True) -> None: """ This function sets the view period of the view time axis and thus of all adjoint figures Parameters ---------- view_range: UtcPeriod of start and end of view range callback: trigger update callback or not padding: add padding to the view range or not """ self._view_range = view_range if callback: for callback in self._time_axis_update_callbacks.values(): callback()
@property def view_range(self) -> UtcPeriod: """ This property returns current view as a shyft.time_series.UtcPeriod :return: """ return self._view_range
[docs] class TimeAxisHandler(Bindable): """ The TimeAxisHandler object calculates time axis for the current view. The time axis handler uses seconds s since epoch in utc. It provides two methods to request the current time axes: - current view time axis (shyft.time_series.TimeAxis) - current data padded time axis (shyft.time_series.TimeAxis), time axis with extra padding to the left and right DataSources will use these methods to get the current time axis when they update the data. The minimal dt which is reasonable to view on the figures based on the plot_width is applied. Time step restrictions can be provided to ensure only certain time steps are chosen (round up/down) A dt selector can be connected to the TimeAxisHandler to take user defined dt input. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, auto_dt_multiple: int, view_time_axis: BaseViewTimeAxis, estimate_default_view: Optional[bool] = True, time_step_restrictions: Optional[Union[List[Union[int, float]], np.ndarray]] = None, add_dt_selector: Optional[bool] = True, title: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 130, height: Optional[int] = None, padding: Optional[int] = None, sizing_mode: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional['logging.Logger'] = None, tools: Optional[List[ViewTimeAxisTool]] = None, full_view: Optional[bool] = False, time_zone: Optional[str] = 'Europe/Oslo', historical_mode: Optional[bool] = False) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auto_dt_multiple: sets the lowest resolution of the time series view_time_axis: The bokeh view time axis it should be connected to estimate_default_view: switch to allow for changing the default view range time_step_restrictions: which time steps should be available add_dt_selector: switch to add a time step selector tool title: title often passed from TsViewer and is passed to the time step selector tool logger: python logger tools: list of tools to be added full_view: switch to create time axis for the whole data set and not the cropped time_zone: not in use historical_mode: if set true, fiddle clip time-axis rhs to utctime_now ---------- Notes ----- in _calculate_auto_dt() smallest dt is 1 hour ... this should be changed to 1 s bound by auto_dt_multiple """ super().__init__() self.logger = logger padding = padding or constants.widget_padding sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode self.estimate_default_view: bool = estimate_default_view self.default_view_range: UtcPeriod = view_time_axis.view_range # false if trimming range to nearest dt that fits the calendar self.full_view: bool = full_view # TimeAxisHandle all in s self.view_time_axis: BaseViewTimeAxis = view_time_axis self.view_time_axis.bind(parent=self) Calendar = Calendar(str(time_zone)) # pass on time-zone to get .. tz semantics hmm. self.view_range: UtcPeriod = self.default_view_range self.pad = 0 self.zoom_threshold_factor: float = 1.375 self.pan_threshold_factor: float = 0.3 self.padded_view_range: UtcPeriod = self.default_view_range # s snap time data to self.snap_time_to: time = self.dt_restriction: list = sorted(time_step_restrictions) if isinstance(time_step_restrictions, (list, np.ndarray)) else None # dt selector box options self.dt_options: List[time] = [] # for data with half infinite data [ -inf, now] like historical data t_now =, 3600) self.historical_view_range: UtcPeriod = UtcPeriod(t_now - 2*, t_now) self.historical_mode: bool = historical_mode self._auto_dt_figure_width = None self.default_auto_dt_width: int = 600 self.auto_dt_multiple: time = auto_dt_multiple or self.auto_dt = 0 self.user_selected_dt: time = self.time_axes_hist = {} self.send_dt_options: Sender = Sender(parent=self, name='send dt options', signal_type=List[int]) self.receive_dt: Receiver = Receiver(parent=self, name='receive dt', func=self._receive_dt, signal_type=int) self._state: States = States.ACTIVE self.state_port: StatePorts = StatePorts(parent=self, _receive_state=self._receive_state) self.dt_selector: DeltaTSelectorTool = None self.dt_view = None List[DeltaTSelectorTool] = [] if add_dt_selector: self.dt_selector = DeltaTSelectorTool(title=title, width=width, height=height, padding=padding, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logger=self.logger) self.dt_selector.bind(parent=self) = [self.dt_selector] self.dt_view = self.dt_selector.dt_view if tools: [self.add_tool(tool) for tool in tools]
@property def auto_dt_figure_width(self) -> float: """ """ if self._auto_dt_figure_width is not None: return self._auto_dt_figure_width else: return self.default_auto_dt_width @auto_dt_figure_width.setter def auto_dt_figure_width(self, value: int) -> None: self._auto_dt_figure_width = value # --- INITIALISATION
[docs] def set_default_view_period(self, min_max_range: UtcPeriod, reset_view: bool = True) -> None: """ This function sets the time axis handler to a default view, the one with all data visible """ # TODO check if min_max_range is from min_utctime to max_utctime .. what to do? with estimate_default_view if self.estimate_default_view: self.default_view_range = min_max_range if reset_view: self.reset_view()
[docs] def initialize(self, reset_view: bool = True) -> None: # reset_view """ This function resets the view to its initial range """ view_range_larger_init_range = (self.view_time_axis.view_range.start < self.default_view_range.start and self.view_time_axis.view_range.end > self.default_view_range.end) view_range_outside_init_range = (self.view_time_axis.view_range.start >= self.default_view_range.end or self.view_time_axis.view_range.end <= self.default_view_range.start) first_time_plotting = (self.view_time_axis.view_range.start == 0 and self.view_time_axis.view_range.end == 1) if (reset_view or self._state == States.DEACTIVE or view_range_larger_init_range or first_time_plotting or view_range_outside_init_range): self.set_view_range(self.default_view_range, callback=False) self.reset_view() self.evaluate_view_range()
[docs] def reset_view(self): # clear time_axis_handle """ This function resets the time axis handler """ self.padded_view_range = UtcPeriod(min_utctime, min_utctime) self.auto_dt = 0 self.view_range = UtcPeriod(min_utctime, min_utctime) self.user_selected_dt = self.time_axes_hist = {} self.dt_options = []
[docs] def set_figure_width(self, figure_width): """ TODO: .figure_width is NOT used inside this class, check if there is any other use of it(and move/remove it) """ self.figure_width = figure_width
[docs] def set_view_range(self, view_range: UtcPeriod, callback=False, padding=True): """ This function sets the actual view period """ if self._state == States.ACTIVE: self.view_time_axis.set_view_range(view_range=view_range, callback=callback, padding=padding)
[docs] def trigger_time_axis_update(self): """ This function triggers the update process: - updating the view time axis and padded view time axis - trigger data update of the TsViewer parent """ self.evaluate_view_range() self.parent.trigger_data_update()
[docs] def evaluate_view_range(self): """ This function evaluates the current view range and calculates new data padding. """ if (abs(self.view_range.start - self.view_time_axis.view_range.start) > time(0) or abs(self.view_range.end - self.view_time_axis.view_range.end) > time(0)): # update view point view_start = self.view_time_axis.view_range.start view_end = self.view_time_axis.view_range.end self.view_range = self.view_time_axis.view_range if self.padded_view_range.start == min_utctime or self.padded_view_range.end == max_utctime: self.padded_view_range = self.view_range # 1st time, or reset the padded view buffer_left = view_start - self.padded_view_range.start buffer_right = self.padded_view_range.end - view_end # zooming in zoom_threshold = self.zoom_threshold_factor*self.pad pan_threshold = self.pan_threshold_factor*self.pad # estimate new auto dt _auto_dt_new = self._calculate_auto_dt() # print(f"Auto dt: old {dt_to_str(self.auto_dt)}, new {dt_to_str(_auto_dt_new)}, tests {_auto_dt_new != self.auto_dt} { abs(_auto_dt_new-self.auto_dt) > 1.e-12}") # print(buffer_left > zoom_threshold, buffer_right > zoom_threshold, buffer_left < pan_threshold, buffer_right < pan_threshold, _auto_dt_new != self.auto_dt) # check if reloading should be done if (buffer_left > zoom_threshold or buffer_right > zoom_threshold or buffer_left < pan_threshold or buffer_right < pan_threshold or _auto_dt_new != self.auto_dt): # Update data ranges # save the new data range # padding left and right at least one week\ self.pad = max(int(round(view_end - view_start)*2.), self.padded_view_range = UtcPeriod(view_start - self.pad, view_end + self.pad) # print("updating the data range {} | {} ".format(dt_to_str(self.current_view_end - self.current_view_start), dt_to_str(self.view_end_padded - self.view_start_padded))) # historical data t_now = utctime_now() self.historical_view_range = UtcPeriod(int(min(self.padded_view_range.start, t_now)), int(min(t_now, self.padded_view_range.end))) self.time_axes_hist = {} # update dt and dt options if isinstance(self.dt_restriction, list): new_dt_options = sorted([dt for dt in self.dt_restriction if dt >= _auto_dt_new and dt <= view_end - view_start]) else: new_dt_options = [self.auto_dt] if abs(self.auto_dt - _auto_dt_new) > time(0) or set(self.dt_options).symmetric_difference(new_dt_options): self.auto_dt = _auto_dt_new self.dt_options = new_dt_options self.send_dt_options(self.dt_options)
def _calculate_auto_dt(self) -> int: """ This function estimates the auto dt based on the current view and width of the figure(s) Returns ------- a_dt: time step for figure(s) in seconds, if restrictions are set it returns the closest value above calculated time step """ if self.view_range.valid() and self.view_range.start != min_utctime and self.view_range.end != max_utctime: start = int(round(self.view_range.start)) stop = int(round(self.view_range.end)) n_auto_dt_multiple =, stop, deltahours(1)) num_periods = self.auto_dt_figure_width h_dt = (deltahours(int(round(n_auto_dt_multiple/num_periods)))//self.auto_dt_multiple)*self.auto_dt_multiple a_dt = int(round(max(self.auto_dt_multiple, h_dt))) else: a_dt = int(deltahours(1)) # no valid dt, just assume hour if isinstance(self.dt_restriction, list): a_dt = self.calculate_restriction(a_dt) return a_dt
[docs] def calculate_restriction(self, dt: int) -> int: """ This function evaluates the dt from the dt_restrictions Parameters ---------- dt: time step Returns ------- returns the lowest time step from the time step restrictions list or the inputted time step """ idx = min(np.searchsorted(self.dt_restriction, dt, side="left"), len(self.dt_restriction) - 1) return int(self.dt_restriction[idx])
# ---- TIME AXIS REQUEST METHODS @property def view_time_axis_properties(self)-> ViewTimeAxisProperties: """ :return: parameters that describe the current view-port time-axis """ dt = max([self.auto_dt, self.user_selected_dt]) if isinstance(self.dt_restriction, list): dt = self.calculate_restriction(dt) return ViewTimeAxisProperties(dt=dt,, view_period= self.view_range, padded_view_period=self.padded_view_range,extend_mode=self.full_view) # --- EXTERNAL CONTROL/ TOOLS def _receive_dt(self, dt: int) -> None: """ This port function receives a user defined dt usually used in connection with the dt selector """ dt = self.auto_dt_multiple*(dt//self.auto_dt_multiple) self.user_selected_dt = max(self.auto_dt_multiple, dt) # update figure after dt was received if self.bound: self.parent.trigger_data_update()
[docs] def add_tool(self, tool: ViewTimeAxisTool) -> None: """ This function adds a ViewTimeAxisTool to the axes handler """ if not isinstance(tool, ViewTimeAxisTool): raise TimeAxisHandlerError(f"TimeAxisHandler {self}: tool {tool} not of type ViewTimeAxisTool") if tool not in tool.bind(parent=self)
# --- STATE def _receive_state(self, state: States) -> None: """ This function sets the object into the received state """ if state == self._state: return self._state = state if state == States.DEACTIVE: self.state_port.send_state(state) elif state == States.LOADING or state == States.READY: self._state = States.ACTIVE elif state == States.ACTIVE: # notify all underlying tools etc. that we are active now! self.state_port.send_state(state) else: self.logger.error(f"ERROR: {self} - not handel for received state {state} implemented") self.state_port.send_state(state)