import logging
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Optional
from enum import Enum
import bokeh.models
from bokeh.layouts import row, column
from shyft.dashboard.base import constants
from import LayoutComponents, update_value_factory
from shyft.dashboard.base.ports import Receiver, Sender, States, StatePorts
from shyft.dashboard.time_series.ds_view_handle import DsViewHandle
from shyft.dashboard.widgets.logger_box import LoggerBox
class DsViewHandleRegistry:
This Object helps to keep track of DsViewHandles in apps, what did we send what to remove etc.
For the book-keeping the app relyes on the .tag attribute of a dsvh.
If a dsvh is send with either replace or add method to the registry and there is another dsvh in the registry with
the same tag, it does not have to be the same dsvh, it will NOT be added!
def __init__(self):
Initialize the ds view handle registry
self._ds_view_handles = {} # a dictionary containing current dsvh
def __len__(self):
Returns len of registered ds view handles
return len(self._ds_view_handles)
def ds_view_handles(self) -> List[DsViewHandle]:
Returns a list of registered ds view handles
return [dsvh for dsvh in self._ds_view_handles.values()]
def registry(self) -> Dict[str, DsViewHandle]:
Returns the full registry
return {k: v for k, v in self._ds_view_handles.items()}
def empty_registry(self) -> None:
Removes all obj from the registry
self._ds_view_handles = {}
def replace(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> Tuple[List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]]:
This function will do 2 operations at once:
- all dsvh in ds_view_handles are added to the registry if there is not a dsvh with the same tag already in
the registry
- remove all dsvh from the registry which tags are not equal to one of the dsvh in ds_view_handles
Tuple(List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]):
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are added to the registry
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are removed from the registry
ds_view_handles_dict = {d.tag: d for d in ds_view_handles}
# find out which ds view handle to remove, add or keep in the ds_view_handle
current_tags = set(self._ds_view_handles)
new_tags = set(ds_view_handles_dict)
tags_to_remove = current_tags.difference(new_tags)
tags_to_keep = current_tags.intersection(new_tags)
tags_to_add = new_tags.difference(current_tags)
# Loop over self._ds_view_handles to preserve dsvh order
ds_view_handles_to_remove = [self._ds_view_handles[t] for t in self._ds_view_handles if t in tags_to_remove]
ds_view_handles_to_add = [ds_view_handles_dict[t] for t in ds_view_handles_dict if t in tags_to_add]
# update ds view handles
# Loop over self._ds_view_handles to preserve dsvh order
self._ds_view_handles = {t: self._ds_view_handles[t] for t in self._ds_view_handles if t in tags_to_keep}
self._ds_view_handles.update({t: ds_view_handles_dict[t] for t in ds_view_handles_dict if t in tags_to_add})
return ds_view_handles_to_add, ds_view_handles_to_remove
def add(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> Tuple[List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]]:
This function will do 1 operations at once:
- all dsvh in ds_view_handles are added to the registry if there is not a dsvh with the same tag already in
the registry
Tuple(List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]):
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are added to the registry
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are removed from the registry
ds_view_handles_dict = {d.tag: d for d in ds_view_handles}
# find out which ds view handle to remove, add or keep in the ds_view_handle
current_tags = set(self._ds_view_handles)
new_tags = set(ds_view_handles_dict)
tags_to_add = new_tags.difference(current_tags)
ds_view_handles_to_add = [ds_view_handles_dict[t] for t in ds_view_handles_dict if t in tags_to_add]
# update ds view handles
self._ds_view_handles.update({t: ds_view_handles_dict[t] for t in ds_view_handles_dict if t in tags_to_add})
return ds_view_handles_to_add, []
def remove(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> Tuple[List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]]:
This function will do 1 operations at once:
- all dsvh in ds_view_handles are removed from the registry
Tuple(List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]):
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are added to the registry
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are removed from the registry
current_tags = set(self._ds_view_handles)
tags_to_remove = current_tags.intersection({d.tag for d in ds_view_handles})
tags_to_keep = current_tags.difference(tags_to_remove)
ds_view_handles_to_remove = [self._ds_view_handles[t] for t in self._ds_view_handles if t in tags_to_remove]
self._ds_view_handles = {t: self._ds_view_handles[t] for t in self._ds_view_handles if t in tags_to_keep}
return [], ds_view_handles_to_remove
def remove_by_tag(self, tag_to_remove: str) -> Tuple[List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]]:
This function will do 1 operations at once:
- all dsvh in which cointaing tag_to_remove in their tag are removed from the registry
Tuple(List[DsViewHandle], List[DsViewHandle]):
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are added to the registry
where the first List[DsViewHandle] corresponds to dsvh which are removed from the registry
current_tags = set(self._ds_view_handles)
tags_to_remove = current_tags.intersection({tag for tag in current_tags if tag_to_remove in tag})
tags_to_keep = current_tags.difference(tags_to_remove)
ds_view_handles_to_remove = [self._ds_view_handles[t] for t in self._ds_view_handles if t in tags_to_remove]
self._ds_view_handles = {t: self._ds_view_handles[t] for t in self._ds_view_handles if t in tags_to_keep}
return [], ds_view_handles_to_remove
class DsvhRegistryPolicy(Enum):
Describing policy of DsViewHandleRegistryApp
ADD = 1
class DsViewHandleRegistryApp:
This Object is an composable app for DsViewHandleRegistry with buttons controlling the registry
def __init__(self,
policy: Optional[DsvhRegistryPolicy]=None,
padding: Optional[int]=None,
sizing_mode: Optional[str]=None,
logger: Optional[LoggerBox]=None
) -> None:
Initialize the ds view handle registry
policy: decied if new dsvhs should be added or relplaced when register ports are used
self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__file__)
self.dsvh_registry = DsViewHandleRegistry()
self.policy = policy or DsvhRegistryPolicy.REPLACE
button_height = 30
padding = padding or constants.widget_padding
sizing_mode = sizing_mode or constants.sizing_mode
# Button to remove all
self.clear_button = bokeh.models.Button(label="Clear TsViewer", width=120, height=button_height,
self.clear_button_layout = column(self.clear_button, width=120 + padding)
# RadioButtonGroup to change policy
self.policy_buttons = bokeh.models.RadioButtonGroup(labels=[ for i in DsvhRegistryPolicy],
active=self.policy.value, width=140, height=button_height,
self.policy_buttons.on_change('active', self._change_policy)
self.set_policy_button = update_value_factory(self.policy_buttons, 'active')
self.policy_buttons_layout = column(self.policy_buttons, width=140 + padding, height=button_height)
# ports to receive DsViewHandles from apps
name = "Receive List[DsViewHandles] to register using the current active policy"
self.receive_ds_view_handles_to_register = Receiver(parent=self, name=name, signal_type=List[DsViewHandle],
name = "Receive List[DsViewHandles] to register using the replace policy"
self.receive_ds_view_handles_to_replace = Receiver(parent=self, name=name, signal_type=List[DsViewHandle],
name = "Receive List[DsViewHandles] to register using add policy"
self.receive_ds_view_handles_to_add = Receiver(parent=self, name=name, signal_type=List[DsViewHandle],
name = "Receive List[DsViewHandles] to remove"
self.receive_ds_view_handles_to_remove = Receiver(parent=self, name=name, signal_type=List[DsViewHandle],
name = "Receive List[DsViewHandles] to remove by tag"
self.receive_ds_view_handles_to_remove_by_tag = Receiver(parent=self, name=name, signal_type=str,
# port connections to TsViewer app
self.send_ds_view_handles_to_add = Sender(parent=self, name='send ds view handles to add to viewer',
self.send_ds_view_handles_to_remove = Sender(parent=self, name="send ds view handles to remove from viewer",
self.send_ts_viewer_state = Sender(parent=self, name="send state to ts_viewer", signal_type=States)
self._layout = row(self.policy_buttons_layout, self.clear_button_layout)
def layout(self) -> row:
return self._layout
def layout_components(self) -> LayoutComponents:
Returns all layout components of the app
return {'widgets': [self.clear_button, self.policy_buttons]}
def _clear_all(self) -> None:
def _change_policy(self, attr, old, new) -> None:
Callback for the policy radio buttons
if new >= len(DsvhRegistryPolicy):
self.policy = DsvhRegistryPolicy(new)
def _register_ds_view_handles(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> None:
if self.policy == DsvhRegistryPolicy.REPLACE:
elif self.policy == DsvhRegistryPolicy.ADD:
def _replace_ds_view_handles(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> None:
Receiver function to receive dsvh to merge
dsvh_to_add, dsvh_to_remove = self.dsvh_registry.replace(ds_view_handles=ds_view_handles)
# first remove
if dsvh_to_remove:
# then add
if dsvh_to_add:
def _add_ds_view_handles(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> None:
Receiver function to receive dsvh to add
dsvh_to_add, _ = self.dsvh_registry.add(ds_view_handles=ds_view_handles)
if not dsvh_to_add:
def _remove_ds_view_handles(self, ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) -> None:
Receiver function to receive dsvh to remove
_, dsvh_to_remove = self.dsvh_registry.remove(ds_view_handles=ds_view_handles)
if not dsvh_to_remove:
def _remove_ds_view_handles_by_tag(self, tag: str) -> None:
Receiver function to receive dsvh to remove
_, dsvh_to_remove = self.dsvh_registry.remove_by_tag(tag_to_remove=tag)
if not dsvh_to_remove: