Source code for shyft.dashboard.time_series.formatter

from typing import List, Optional, Iterable

import numpy as np
import calendar
from shyft.time_series import Calendar

[docs] def conditional_time_formatter(time_input: Iterable, time_zone: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: """ Create human readable formatting of UTC time conditional on dt. Assumption of an equidistant dt, time in UTC Formatting and converting time values for the table view Additional time_zone can be provided to convert from UTC to time_zone Examples -------- dt == DAY: ['2018.03.12 (W.11)', '2018.03.13 (W.11)', '2018.03.14 (W.11)'] dt == WEEK: ['2018 Week 11', '2018 Week 12', '2018 Week 13'] dt == MONTH: ['2018 Mar', '2018 Apr', '2018 May'] dt == QUARTER: ['2018 Q.1', '2018 Q.2', '2018 Q.3'] dt == YEAR: ['2018', '2019', '2020'] else: ['2018.03.12 16:26', '2018.03.12 17:26', '2018.03.12 18:26'] Parameters ---------- time_input: numpy array with utc time time_zone: Optional time_zone to convert time to Returns ------- time_formatted: list with reformatted times """ cal = Calendar(time_zone or 0) time_tuples = [(cal.calendar_week_units(int(t)), cal.calendar_units(int(t))) for t in time_input] dts = [[d for d in [cal.DAY, cal.WEEK, cal.MONTH, cal.QUARTER, cal.YEAR] if cal.diff_units(int(time_input[i]), int(time_input[i + 1]), d) == 1] for i in range(0, len(time_input) - 1, 2)] dt = [min(d) for d in dts if d] time_formatted =[] if not dt: time_formatted = [f'{greg.year}.{greg.month:>{0}2}.{>{0}2} {greg.hour:>{0}2}:{greg.minute:>{0}2}' for iso, greg in time_tuples] return time_formatted dt = min(np.unique(dt)) if dt == cal.DAY: time_formatted = [f'{greg.year}.{greg.month:>{0}2}.{>{0}2} (W.{iso.iso_week})' for iso, greg in time_tuples] elif dt == cal.WEEK: time_formatted = [f"{iso.iso_year} Week {iso.iso_week:>{0}2}" for iso, greg in time_tuples] elif dt == cal.MONTH: time_formatted = [f"{greg.year} {calendar.month_abbr[greg.month]}" for iso, greg in time_tuples] elif dt == cal.QUARTER: time_formatted = [f"{cal.calendar_units(t).year} Q.{cal.quarter(t)}" for t in time_input] elif dt == cal.YEAR: time_formatted = [f'{greg.year}' for iso, greg in time_tuples] return time_formatted
[docs] def basic_time_formatter(time_input: Iterable, time_zone: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: """ Create human readable formatting of UTC time Additional time_zone can be provided to convert from UTC to time_zone Examples -------- ['2018.03.12 16:26', '2018.03.12 17:26', '2018.03.12 18:26'] Parameters ---------- time_input: numpy array with utc time time_zone: Optional time_zone to convert time to Returns ------- time_formatted: list with reformatted times """ cal = Calendar(time_zone or 0) greg_time = [cal.calendar_units(int(t)) for t in time_input] time_formatted = [f'{greg.year}.{greg.month:>{0}2}.{>{0}2} {greg.hour:>{0}2}:{greg.minute:>{0}2}' for greg in greg_time] return time_formatted