

TsViewer(*, bokeh_document[, title, state, ...])

TsViewer class is the main class combining all components to view time series in bokeh.



exception shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer.TsViewerError[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

class shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer.TsViewer(*, bokeh_document: Document, title: str | None = '', state: States | None = States.ACTIVE, width: int | None = 150, height: int | None = None, padding: int | None = None, sizing_mode: str | None = None, time_step_restrictions: List[int | float] | ndarray | None = None, zoom_in_interval: int | float | None = None, zoom_out_interval: int | float | None = None, init_view_range: UtcPeriod = None, auto_dt_multiple: int | None = None, thread_pool_executor: ThreadPoolExecutor | None = None, add_dt_selector: bool = True, logger: Logger | None = None, unit_registry: UnitRegistry | None = None, tools: List[TsViewerTool] = None, time_zone: str | None = None, reset_time_axis: bool = True, full_view: bool = True, should_wait_async_view_data: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

TsViewer class is the main class combining all components to view time series in bokeh.

Different ViewContainer (As figures, tables) can be added to the viewer.


# create our viewer app
viewer = TsViewer()

# create view container
table1 = Table(viewer=viewer)
fig1 = Figure(viewer=viewer)

All view container will be bound to the same time axis, controlled by a TimeAxisHandler. (i.e. linked x axis of all figures)

To view time series data one need to define the data or how it can be retrieved with a DataSource. In addition one need to define the View(s), i.e. how the data should be visualised in the different ViewContainer. For convenience, book-keeping and easy messaging between apps is the combination of a DataSource and a List[Views] defined as an ds_view_handle.

Examples (continued)

# define data source
data_source = DataSource(ts_adapter=”TsAdapter”, unit=’MW’)
# define views
percentile_view = PercentileView(view_container_uid=fig1.uid)
table_view = TableView(view_container_uid=table1.uid)

# add it to the viewer
ds_view_handle = viewer.create_ds_view_handle(data_source=data_source,
views=[percentile_view, table_view])
# OR create an ds_view_handle and add it to the viewer
dsviehandle = DsViewHandle(data_source=data_source,
views=[percentile_view, table_view])
# OR send it using the port function (takes a List[DsViewHandles])

# the ds_view_handle can be removed by

# OR using the port function (takes a List[DsViewHandles])
__init__(*, bokeh_document: Document, title: str | None = '', state: States | None = States.ACTIVE, width: int | None = 150, height: int | None = None, padding: int | None = None, sizing_mode: str | None = None, time_step_restrictions: List[int | float] | ndarray | None = None, zoom_in_interval: int | float | None = None, zoom_out_interval: int | float | None = None, init_view_range: UtcPeriod = None, auto_dt_multiple: int | None = None, thread_pool_executor: ThreadPoolExecutor | None = None, add_dt_selector: bool = True, logger: Logger | None = None, unit_registry: UnitRegistry | None = None, tools: List[TsViewerTool] = None, time_zone: str | None = None, reset_time_axis: bool = True, full_view: bool = True, should_wait_async_view_data: bool = False) None[source]
  • bokeh_document – the bokeh document it belongs to

  • title – title of the app

  • time_step_restrictions – list of time step restrictions

  • zoom_in_interval – the minimum visible interval

  • zoom_out_interval – the maximum visible interval

  • init_view_range – the period which should be the default period

  • auto_dt_multiple – sets the lowest resolution of the time series

  • thread_pool_executor – the thread pool executor used for async requests

  • add_dt_selector – switch to add a time step selector tool

  • logger – python logger

  • unit_registry – the unit registry used in the app

  • tools – list of tools to be part of the TsViewer

  • state – the initial state

  • full_view – if set to true, the time-series are not clipped to t_now (should be the default!)

property layout: column | None
init_view_range(intersection: bool = False) None[source]

This function intializes the view range

plot(reset_time_axis: bool = True) None[source]

This function triggers the plotting of views

clear() None[source]

This function clears all views, view contianer etc.

trigger_data_update() None[source]

This function triggers the reloading of the sources with data, each source is requested for data currently that will result in a call to the function above, request_time_axis(min_dt, data_time_range) to get back a time-axis that is fitted to the current view-range and auto/dt selection .. and the particular data-source limitations min_dt, and data_time_range. (possibly in background thread) and when done they will eventually call the trigger_view_update(…) with the new data.

TODO: consider passing the current view_range, cal,delta-t .. that is: the view-timeaxis(padded or not)

down to the source so that it can make it’s own choices. That helps a lot..

source_starting_async_data_update(source: Source)[source]

This function must be called by the source before starting an asynchronous data update operation.

source_completed_async_data_update(source: Source)[source]

This function must be called by the source after its asynchronous data update.

trigger_view_update(view_data: Dict[BaseView, Quantity[TsVector]]) None[source]

This function triggers the updating of the views, with given data, it’s usually called by the data-sources when they are finished extracting data from the TsAdapters.

This function merely dispatches the received values to the view-containers that performs the presentation.

add_view_container(view_container: BaseViewContainer) None[source]

This functions adds a view container to the TsViewer and assignes an uid to the view container


BindableError if view container is already bound to a TsViewer

remove_view_container(view_container: BaseViewContainer) None[source]

This functions removes a view container from the TsViewer.


BindableError if view container is is not bound to the TsViewer

connect_to_dt_selector(receive_dt: Receiver) None[source]

This function connects the a receiver port to receive the current dt to the dt selector box if available.

add_ds_view_handles(ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) None[source]

This function add new ds_view_handles to the TsViewer


ds_view_handles – ds_view_handles defining data source and views of the data

remove_ds_view_handles(ds_view_handles: List[DsViewHandle]) None[source]

This function remove ds_view_handles from the TsViewer


ds_view_handles – ds_view_handles defining data source and views of the data

add_tool(tool: TsViewerTool) None[source]
set_layout(layout: List[BaseViewContainer] | List[List[BaseViewContainer]] | Dict[str, BaseViewContainer]) None[source]

Function to quickly define a layout

Use List[ViewContainer] -> columns Use List[List[ViewContainer]] -



property layout_components

This property returns all layout components of the all sub components