
As outlined in the chapter Dealing with time, only epoch time stamps are truly unique and native Python datetime objects have difficulties when dealing with time zones.

Shyft uses for time representation the UTC epoch time stamp which is an a floating point value whose value expresses seconds before the comma and microseconds after the comma in form of a time object. This section gives an introduction to the type.

Create a time object

The creation of a time object is straightforward as the following code snippet demonstrates.

from shyft.time_series import time, utctime_now

# The current timestamp in microsecond resolution is returned as follows.
now = utctime_now()                # time(1584352047.236503)

# Create a time from a well defined iso8601 string.
t0 = time('2018-10-15T16:30:15Z')  # time(1539621015)

# We can get the string back by using the built-int str
t0_string = str(t0)                # '2018-10-15T16:30:15Z'   

# Create a time from an integer (Seconds) or a float (microseconds).
t1 = time(3600)                    # time(3600)

t2 = time(0.123456)                # time(0.123456)

# NOTE: Any information after microseconds gets rounded.
t3 = time(0.1234568)               # time(0.123457)


Note that Shyft only parses a subset of ISO8601 so many perfectly valid time strings produces errors, and it does not even parse every time string it produces itself. For example replacing the Z with a +01 will not work and will return a RuntimeError

There are three time constants that represent respectivly the least and largest time representable, and invalid time. The minimum and maximum time constructs are mostly usefull as default values, and for creating time periods spanning “all” of time. Invalid time may be returned by some functions to represent that whatever operation it were to do did not work, and some Shyft constructs initialize to it by default.

from shyft.time_series import min_utctime, max_utctime, no_utctime 
print(min_utctime)  # time(-9223372036854.775391)
print(max_utctime)  # time(9223372036854.775391)
print(no_utctime)   # time(-9223372036854.775391)

Using a time object

The time object is the basis for all time operations within Shyft. Its main usage for end users is in conjunction with a Calendar object as outlined in section Calendar and time. Nevertheless, basic arithmetic is possible.

from shyft.time_series import time, deltahours, deltaminutes

# Create a point in time
t1 = time(3600)  # time(3600)

# Add two hours aka 7200 seconds
t2 = t1 + deltahours(2)  # time(10800)

# Subtract a minute aka 60 seconds
t3 = t1 - deltaminutes(1)  # time(3540)

# time can be added or subtracted directly
t4 = t1 + time(3600)  # time(7200)

# converting back
my_int = int(t4)    # 7200
my_dbl = float(t4)  # 7200.0

# time integrates fine with operators on different types
is_equal1 = (t4 == 7200)    # True
is_equal2 = (t4 == 7200.0)  # True
unordered = [t4, 7200, 7199.9, 7199,  7200.1]
unordered.sort()            # [7199, 7199.9, time(7200), 7200, 7200.1]


The following types help collating time information. These are used as data containers and do by themselves not provide additional functionality. Often, these are method return types.


An instance of the type UtcPeriod defines the half-open utc-time interval [start..*end*> where end is required to be equal or greater than start. Periods are building blocks of a TimeAxis.

from shyft.time_series import UtcPeriod, time

# ==== Creation
# create from integer epoch timestamps
period1 = UtcPeriod(1, 2)                  # [1970-01-01T00:00:01Z,1970-01-01T00:00:02Z>
# create from microseconds float epoch timestamps
period2 = UtcPeriod(1.000001, 2.000002)    # [1970-01-01T00:00:01.000001Z,1970-01-01T00:00:02.000002Z>
# create from time objects
period3 = UtcPeriod(time(4), time(5))      # [1970-01-01T00:00:04Z,1970-01-01T00:00:05Z>

# WARNING: The constructor WILL accept invalid values!
period4 = UtcPeriod(2, 1)    # [not-valid-period>
period5 = UtcPeriod()        # [not-valid-period>
# the type exposes a method to check if start<=end
is_valid4 = period4.valid()  # returns False
is_valid5 = period5.valid()  # returns False

# ==== contains
# Accepts int, float and time as input types
is_contains = period1.contains(1.000001)   # True
is_not_contains = period1.contains(3)      # False

# ==== overlaps
is_overlap = UtcPeriod.overlaps(period1, period2)      # True
is_not_overlap = UtcPeriod.overlaps(period1, period3)  # False

# ==== intersection
# Returns the intersection period between two periods
intersection_valid = UtcPeriod.intersection(period1, period2)   # [1970-01-01T00:00:01.000001Z,1970-01-01T00:00:02Z>
# It returns an invalid empty period, if the periods do not overlap
intersection_invalid = UtcPeriod.intersection(period1, period3) # [not-valid-period>

# ==== timespan 
delta_t = period1.timespan()  # time(1)

# ==== to_string
period_string = period1.to_string()  # '[1970-01-01T00:00:01Z,1970-01-01T00:00:02Z>'

# ==== start and end
p1_start = period1.start  # time(1)
p1_end = period1.end      # time(2)


An instance of the type YMDhms defines the Calendar coordinates specifying Y, M, D, h, m, s and μs. While this looks like a Python datetime, this type is specifically a container without any further functionality. It is only used as return type and you can access the data via its properties.


An instance of the type YWdhms defines the Calendar coordinates y, iso-week number, iso-week day, h, m, s and μs. It is only used as return type and you can access the data via its properties.