

StatisticsTable(*, viewer, width, height, ...)

Table(*, viewer, width, height, title, ...)

Table class is the view container for a table



exception shyft.dashboard.time_series.view_container.table.TableError[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

class shyft.dashboard.time_series.view_container.table.Table(*, viewer: shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer.TsViewer, width: int = 600, height: int = 600, title: str = '', max_column_width: int | None = None, min_column_width: int = 120, visible: bool = True, time_formatter: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Iterable, str], ~typing.List[str]] = <function basic_time_formatter>, tools: ~typing.List[TableTool] | TableTool = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, alternative_view_time_axis: ~shyft.dashboard.time_series.axes_handler.BaseViewTimeAxis = None)[source]

Bases: BaseViewContainer

Table class is the view container for a table


# create the viewer app
viewer = TsViewer(bokeh_document=doc, title=’Test Ts Viewer’)

# create view container
table1 = Table(viewer=viewer, tools=[])

# create a data source
data_source = DataSource(ts_adapter=A_time_series_adapter(unit_to_decorate=’MW’), unit=’MW’,
time_range=UtcPeriod(start_time, end_time))

# create a view in where we put the view container
table_view = TableView(view_container_uid=table1.uid, columns={0: ‘column 1’, 1: ‘column 2’},
label=’Generic Label’)

# create a handle for the data source and list of views connected to the data source
ds_view_handle = DsViewHandle(data_source=data_source, views=[table_view, line_view, fill_in_between_view])

# add views and data source to the viewer
__init__(*, viewer: shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer.TsViewer, width: int = 600, height: int = 600, title: str = '', max_column_width: int | None = None, min_column_width: int = 120, visible: bool = True, time_formatter: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Iterable, str], ~typing.List[str]] = <function basic_time_formatter>, tools: ~typing.List[TableTool] | TableTool = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, alternative_view_time_axis: ~shyft.dashboard.time_series.axes_handler.BaseViewTimeAxis = None) None[source]
  • viewer – which TsViewer it is connected to

  • width – pixel width of the table

  • height – pixel height of the table

  • title – title of the table

  • max_column_width – sets an upper limit of the size of the columns, if None upper = infinite

  • min_column_width – sets a lower limit of the size of the columns

  • visible – switch for visibility

  • time_formatter – the time format of the time column

  • tools – optional table tools see table tools/

property layout: Any

This property returns the preferred layout of the view_container

property layout_components: Dict[str, List[Any]]

This property returns all layout components of the view_container

property visible: bool

This property returns the visibility of the table

add_view(*, view: TableView) None[source]

This function adds a new view to the view_container


This function only updates the time series who are stored within the view container

update_view_data(*, view_data: Dict[TableView, Quantity[TsVector]]) None[source]

This function updates the table with new data as sent in by view_data

prepare_data_and_update_data_source(needs_data_source_update: bool = True)[source]

This function prepares all the view data and creates the bokeh data and table columns that should be updated and updates the data source


This function updates the data that is to be shown


This function uses the stored time series and sets all columns but the time column to nothing


This function clears the data that bokeh should handle

view_range_callback() None[source]

This callback is triggered whenever the view range changes view_range = self.view_time_axis.view_range

estimate_view_range_indices() None[source]

Indices of aligned time, such that i0 <= view range <= i1.

If the overlap of view range and aligned time is zero, no indices are set for view_range_indices (empty list).


aligned_time: |t_a0         |t_a1         |t_a2         |t_a3
view range:          |---------------|

# self.view_range_indices = [0, 2]

aligned_time: |t_a0         |t_a1         |t_a2         |t_a3
view range:                                        |---------------|

# self.view_range_indices = [2, 3]

aligned_time: |t_a0         |t_a1         |t_a2         |t_a3
view range:                                             |---------|

# self.view_range_indices = []
clear() None[source]

This function removes all views from the view_container and resets the meta data

clear_views(*, specific_views: List[TableView] | None = None) None[source]

This function removes all or specific views from the view container

update_title(title: str) None[source]

This function sets the title in the correct <div> format

visible_callback(obj, attr, old_value, new_value)[source]

This function is the callback for when the visibility for table view changes

add_tool(tool: TableTool) None[source]

This function adds a FigureTool to the figure

class shyft.dashboard.time_series.view_container.table.StatisticsTable(*, viewer: shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer.TsViewer, width: int = 600, height: int = 600, title: str = '', name_column_width: int = 300, max_column_width: int | None = None, min_column_width: int = 120, visible: bool = True, time_formatter: ~typing.Callable[[~numpy.ndarray, str], ~typing.List[str]] = <function basic_time_formatter>, tools: ~typing.List[TableTool] | TableTool = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, alternative_view_time_axis: ~shyft.dashboard.time_series.axes_handler.BaseViewTimeAxis = None)[source]

Bases: Table

__init__(*, viewer: shyft.dashboard.time_series.ts_viewer.TsViewer, width: int = 600, height: int = 600, title: str = '', name_column_width: int = 300, max_column_width: int | None = None, min_column_width: int = 120, visible: bool = True, time_formatter: ~typing.Callable[[~numpy.ndarray, str], ~typing.List[str]] = <function basic_time_formatter>, tools: ~typing.List[TableTool] | TableTool = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, alternative_view_time_axis: ~shyft.dashboard.time_series.axes_handler.BaseViewTimeAxis = None) None[source]
  • viewer – which TsViewer it is connected to

  • width – pixel width of the table

  • height – pixel height of the table

  • title – title of the table

  • max_column_width – sets an upper limit of the size of the columns, if None upper = infinite

  • min_column_width – sets a lower limit of the size of the columns

  • visible – switch for visibility

  • time_formatter – the time format of the time column

  • tools – optional table tools see table tools/

prepare_data_and_update_data_source(needs_data_source_update: bool = True)[source]

This function prepares all the view data and creates the bokeh data and table columns that should be updated and updates the data source


This function updates the data that is to be shown


This function uses the stored time series and sets all columns but the time column to nothing

view_range_callback() None[source]

This callback is triggered whenever the view range changes view_range = self.view_time_axis.view_range